Friday, December 18, 2020

30 years ago, a magically wonderful series of fortunate events led me to a moment that changed my life forever.

 It was a Christmas Wish come true. I genuinely believe it was. The details are a little scattered and lost over time, but there are some things I do remember vividly. Like being 22, unhappily married, living in Chicago’s utmost southern suburbs. I had just had my second child, another baby boy, who was all of four months old when these particular events took place.

I’d been in Illinois for almost two years, and at that point, I still only knew my husband’s family. Making friends or making time to make friends had been very difficult for me. I felt very cut off and isolated. Phone calls were expensive, so were trips home. My family lived a thousand miles away, so I virtually had nobody. I remember being very lonely. I also remember thinking to myself on many occasions that if I had just one friend, things would be different.

Then, a flyer on a store window led me to visit a spa that had just opened in town. It was a free session, so I said, why not? During that session, I met a chatty lady who invited me to a group that she belonged to. I never did that sort of thing, but she was so encouraging, and I just happened to have the car that day- which back then was a miracle in itself. And when I got to the group, a chance encounter with one of its members led to an invitation to bake Christmas cookies. Back then, I was so socially awkward and shy, it amazes me that I said yes. Up to that point, no matter how badly I wanted a friend, I couldn’t get over my shyness long enough to make one.

But the important thing is that I said yes! I didn’t know it at the time (no one ever knows it at the time) that my prayers and wishes were being answered in that one little yes.

Because I met my person. She was the one who invited me to bake with her. I think we realized we were absolutely meant to be friends on that day. And she’s been my person ever since. Through several more children, a dozen moves, 4 states, 2 divorces,  it’s 30 years later this December, and she’s still my most amazing person. And I was right! From that moment on, everything in my life was completely different! Everything changed for the better!

We always say we met by divine appointment. It’s so true. I don’t know if she had been looking for me, but I had been praying for her, and I’m convinced that I was led down a path that would lead to her. I can’t imagine what my life would be like right now if I hadn’t.

So, Merry Christmas! Believe in Miracles. Believe in Christmas Wishes! Believe in the magic!


  1. I can't find the words. Rare, I know. The tears, though? Those I found. Love you.


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